Frequently Asked Questions
Are you going to make me get rid of things?
I can not, and I will not force you to get rid of anything you don't want to. However, I will en​courage it if I feel it's needed so you can reach your goals for your space. In some cases, people simply own more stuff than they have space for. It's impossible to organize too much stuff. We will discuss your goals, wants, and needs for your home, and that may mean seriously considering which items take priority over others. Sometimes instead of getting rid of things, you may simply need to relocate things.
What is your process for getting my home organized?
After your initial consultation, we work on sorting, categorizing, and editing your belongings. This process is important because it helps us see how much of each type of item you have. If you have too much of a particular type of item, we may need to consider donation, selling, or recycling them. The goal of this step is to make sure you are left with items that are truly adding value to your life.
Then we can determine the best placement and system to organize those items. ​
How does the initial consultation work?
This is where you take me on a tour of your home, while we discuss exactly how you want the home to function, and your wants/needs inside your home. Knowing your wants and needs is how we best determine a plan of action. You will also need to be upfront and clear about your expectations for the project. It helps if you can tell me how you envision the areas will function upon completion of the project
Do you work independently or do I have to be with you the whole time?
This depends on the work being completed. If we are working on the sorting and editing/decluttering process, you need to present, and work along with me, as you have the final say in what items are kept and what needs to leave the house. Once we have moved into the placement and organizing part, you can be as involved as you want. Keep in mind that the more you are involved the less hours it will take to complete, saving you time and money. Your involvement also ensures you understand the organization method in place and the reasons behind it. However, I absolutely respect your time is important, and I understand if you have other obligations, and prefer to not be involved.
If there is not much sorting and editing to do, and the project is more straight forward, I can work 100% independently, leaving you time to attend to your other obligations.
How often will you be at my house, and for how long?
The frequency of sessions is up to you, and your schedule. The length of sessions is also up to you, but must be a minimum of three hours. If you are working alongside me, we won't schedule a session for any longer than 4 hours. I have found that less than 3 hours is not enough time to accomplish a satisfactory amount of work, and more than 4-5 hours is too long for most people before they begin to burn out, and lose momentum. Once the momentum is lost, the job slows down, taking more hours to complete, and costing you more money over time. Organizing is often a mentally exhausting task.
However, if I am working mostly independently, I can schedule sessions for up to 6-7 hours.